ADD/ADHD: Einstein verses ADD/ADHD
Mission Statement
Create solutions with unique concepts and ideas to awake the inertia, develop motion, instill positive visions, challenge greater thoughts, structure a strong balance, and beautify that which has purpose for a better future.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
By Cheryl Schoonmaker
It seems as though every generation whether it be the Great Greats, Grandparents, Parents, or mine, each have or will have paved the way for those thereafter. He or she that might be the oldest child in a family knows exactly what I mean. It usually is his or her obligation to fulfill the destiny of paving the way for their siblings. And so, each generation contributes to our society their hard work and creative ingenuity. It is their gift to us whether it’s a simpler style to what end result they once struggled for, or something new and just entertainingly fun.
Every generation is considered history and has paved the way even in the simplest degree. During the late 60’s maybe the very early 70’s, it was a struggle but the students won the rights for girls to wear pants to the Weedsport High School. Imagine that. Then it was shorts, mini’s, and even jeans. In less then 50 years our electronic world has gone from radios to TVs, from Movie Drive-Ins to DVDs, from Pinball to . Our communications have gone from a rotary dialing system to push button, from wire to wireless, from mail to e-mail. Typing on a typewriter to dictation via computer.
Each generation that I have met during my life simply states “when I was young I worked so hard”…. People will argue that today's generation is becoming lazy and in part due to our technology. But actually they have been saying that for every generation since what I call the beginning of time. In fact they too were once called the lazy ones by their elders and look how far more advanced we are today because of their hard work. All of us have received gifts from generations prior in order to more efficiently pave the way for ourselves and those to come.
Many say “how wonderful,” but there are others who feel as though we have complicated our lives for a unique style. Fortunately, there are enough options not to follow the complexities of technology today. We can, and many still do things as we call it “the old fashion way.” Are we adding more complexity to our lives?
Lets look into the future… Internet…I like the Internet. It has lots of answers, ideas, opinions, even solutions. Ninety percent of my work is delivered via email. Everyone’s using the internet, libraries, schools, my kids, me for work, everyone except my dad. That’s ok. So lets keep it. Here to stay “The Internet,” but we need a new kind of computer with unlimited GB which could be named the CIA "Computer Infinity Access," with a speed faster than superman and I’m wearing it in my newly designed computer pants pocket or better yet my sleeve. Yes the sleeve, that way I can speak to it in a soft voice like nonchalantly over the shoulder. People are already walking around looking like they just stepped out of the latest sci-fi movie with those bug-shaped chrome things attached to the sides of their heads. Since the computer screen is far to small for my viewing comfort, what if you could just walk up to a …. remember those telephone booths on every corner that were not designed for Superman, …. yes, high tech screen booths everywhere. Screens on every corner, in every coffee shop, in buses, taxies, conveniently placed next to my steering wheel… STOP. Ok, so sometimes we get a little carried away.
Anyway, “Thank you!!!” to all those generations before me for paving the way for my generation and many more generations to come. And, hats off to the generation of the last 50 years, we've come a long way in a very short period of time. And, to the next generation… learn from our mistakes for there are many. Enjoy the paved way and keep on paving the way for generations to come.
It seems as though every generation whether it be the Great Greats, Grandparents, Parents, or mine, each have or will have paved the way for those thereafter. He or she that might be the oldest child in a family knows exactly what I mean. It usually is his or her obligation to fulfill the destiny of paving the way for their siblings. And so, each generation contributes to our society their hard work and creative ingenuity. It is their gift to us whether it’s a simpler style to what end result they once struggled for, or something new and just entertainingly fun.
Every generation is considered history and has paved the way even in the simplest degree. During the late 60’s maybe the very early 70’s, it was a struggle but the students won the rights for girls to wear pants to the Weedsport High School. Imagine that. Then it was shorts, mini’s, and even jeans. In less then 50 years our electronic world has gone from radios to TVs, from Movie Drive-Ins to DVDs, from Pinball to . Our communications have gone from a rotary dialing system to push button, from wire to wireless, from mail to e-mail. Typing on a typewriter to dictation via computer.
Each generation that I have met during my life simply states “when I was young I worked so hard”…. People will argue that today's generation is becoming lazy and in part due to our technology. But actually they have been saying that for every generation since what I call the beginning of time. In fact they too were once called the lazy ones by their elders and look how far more advanced we are today because of their hard work. All of us have received gifts from generations prior in order to more efficiently pave the way for ourselves and those to come.
Many say “how wonderful,” but there are others who feel as though we have complicated our lives for a unique style. Fortunately, there are enough options not to follow the complexities of technology today. We can, and many still do things as we call it “the old fashion way.” Are we adding more complexity to our lives?
Lets look into the future… Internet…I like the Internet. It has lots of answers, ideas, opinions, even solutions. Ninety percent of my work is delivered via email. Everyone’s using the internet, libraries, schools, my kids, me for work, everyone except my dad. That’s ok. So lets keep it. Here to stay “The Internet,” but we need a new kind of computer with unlimited GB which could be named the CIA "Computer Infinity Access," with a speed faster than superman and I’m wearing it in my newly designed computer pants pocket or better yet my sleeve. Yes the sleeve, that way I can speak to it in a soft voice like nonchalantly over the shoulder. People are already walking around looking like they just stepped out of the latest sci-fi movie with those bug-shaped chrome things attached to the sides of their heads. Since the computer screen is far to small for my viewing comfort, what if you could just walk up to a …. remember those telephone booths on every corner that were not designed for Superman, …. yes, high tech screen booths everywhere. Screens on every corner, in every coffee shop, in buses, taxies, conveniently placed next to my steering wheel… STOP. Ok, so sometimes we get a little carried away.
Anyway, “Thank you!!!” to all those generations before me for paving the way for my generation and many more generations to come. And, hats off to the generation of the last 50 years, we've come a long way in a very short period of time. And, to the next generation… learn from our mistakes for there are many. Enjoy the paved way and keep on paving the way for generations to come.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Millions of Children are on Deadly Prescribed Drugs
By Cheryl Schoonmaker
Millions of American children are labeled ADD/ADHD and prescribed drugs. 90% of these drugs, a Substance II considered dangerous, are prescribed and distributed in America. At this time there are no long-term studies on the side effects of these drugs on human beings but the studies on animals has given some alarming findings. Young rats exposed to these drugs developed memory problems that persisted into adulthood.
There is no FDA nor Government approved test to label a student ADD/ADHD. Tests given are usually a Q & A that 90% of the human race would fail or it could be a computer test, which has been considered unreliable by even computer experts. Whoever ends up taking these tests will most likely take home a prescription. Many concerned have expressed that the POWER of labeling these children ADD/ADHD is the simplest, and most profitable viewed solution.
Many have been devastated by the immediate side effects of these drugs. February 11, 2005 Canada Announced:
There are many proven studies that proper nutrition has a positive effect on the brain. But also there is more to getting our kids in balance. This balance doesn't happen over night and it takes patients, dedication and will power by parents, guardians and educators. Every study that I have read has proven that the only benefit that the Ritalin does for these children is turn them into teachable zombies. They did not learn anything more than they would have through other means. Just because you cannot get them to read without doing drugs doesn't mean that all is doomed.
Parents before you say yes to label you child find the real problem(s). Check hearing and eyes and other senses, change daily diets with more greens and omega 3, try some new forms of exercise/sports, some forms of martial arts are extremely successful for over active children, or get some good counseling, and get an IQ test.
Enforcing drugs on children during such a crucial time and during the development of the brain is devastating. These children are our future. They deserve a healthy beginning to life. Conspiracy or not America is looking pretty stupid with this quick fix band aide. There are too many healthy solutions to deplete this deficit.
Millions of American children are labeled ADD/ADHD and prescribed drugs. 90% of these drugs, a Substance II considered dangerous, are prescribed and distributed in America. At this time there are no long-term studies on the side effects of these drugs on human beings but the studies on animals has given some alarming findings. Young rats exposed to these drugs developed memory problems that persisted into adulthood.
There is no FDA nor Government approved test to label a student ADD/ADHD. Tests given are usually a Q & A that 90% of the human race would fail or it could be a computer test, which has been considered unreliable by even computer experts. Whoever ends up taking these tests will most likely take home a prescription. Many concerned have expressed that the POWER of labeling these children ADD/ADHD is the simplest, and most profitable viewed solution.
Many have been devastated by the immediate side effects of these drugs. February 11, 2005 Canada Announced:
Adderall has been pulled off the
market in Canada after it's been
linked to several sudden deaths and
strokes which occurred in the U.S.
Depression is a COMMON side effect of Ritalin and other ADD/ADHD drugs. Today we are seeing more depression in our teenagers and college students. College faculties are finding that they are understaffed in counselors due to the increase demand of troubled students. Depression is NOT something you can rid yourself of in hours, days, or even weeks especially if you have multiply issues and or no counseling. Depression hurts everyone. The 15-year-old from Conyers, Georgia, who shot six classmates in May 1999, was on Ritalin; Eric Harris, 18, one of the two Columbine killers, was taking the anti-depressant Luvox; and Kip Kinkel, the 15-year-old from Springfield, Oregon, who killed his parents and two schoolmates, and wounded 20 other students in May 1998, had been prescribed the anti-depressant Prozac. Etc.There are many proven studies that proper nutrition has a positive effect on the brain. But also there is more to getting our kids in balance. This balance doesn't happen over night and it takes patients, dedication and will power by parents, guardians and educators. Every study that I have read has proven that the only benefit that the Ritalin does for these children is turn them into teachable zombies. They did not learn anything more than they would have through other means. Just because you cannot get them to read without doing drugs doesn't mean that all is doomed.
Parents before you say yes to label you child find the real problem(s). Check hearing and eyes and other senses, change daily diets with more greens and omega 3, try some new forms of exercise/sports, some forms of martial arts are extremely successful for over active children, or get some good counseling, and get an IQ test.
Enforcing drugs on children during such a crucial time and during the development of the brain is devastating. These children are our future. They deserve a healthy beginning to life. Conspiracy or not America is looking pretty stupid with this quick fix band aide. There are too many healthy solutions to deplete this deficit.
अदद/अदद। ब्रेन देवेलोप्मेंत
Einstein verses ADD/ADHD

Had Albert Einstein, the man who revolutionized physics years ago, lived in America today he would have been a prime candidate to be labeled ADD/ADHD and prescribed drugs. He and many other great icons of history were considered unmanageable and/or dreamed too much in class. More and more children today are testing teachers and supervisors with uncontrolled behavior.
With millions of American children labeled and on ADD/ADHD drugs, could it be that more gifted children are evolving? The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher brain functions, including sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory. New studies published in the journal Nature found that the cortex continued to thicken in gifted children until around age 11 or 12, much later than in children of average intelligence, whose cortex thickening peaked by age 8. By the late teens they even out with the average student. This may give insight to why the so many gifted children act different and/or show signs of immaturity than that of the same age children with average intelligence. These behaviors may be mistaken as a perfect ADD/ADHD candidate.
It is during the cortex development, neurons in the brain make many connections. Drugs may affect how these connections are made. They could alter how neurons are generated or "born," how neurons migrate to the proper places in the brain, how axons grow, or how synapses form. Several studies that suggest ADD/ADHD drugs cause changes in the brains of young animals. Young rats exposed to these drugs developed memory problems that persisted into adulthood.
Albert Einstein quoted: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Without the exploration of using imagination the wheel would not be. Why not incorporate more usage of imagination in class, knowledge would be sought after and a deficit would disappear.
On Einstein's 72nd birthday in 1951, the UPI photographer Arthur Sasse was trying to persuade him to smi

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Some Students are SleepWalking Though School
By Cheryl Schoonmaker
Fact: Young teenagers walk upright and look as though they are awake in the early hours of the day, when in fact they are still mentally sleeping. Several studies have shown that student get less sleep on school nights due to stress and worries related to school pressures and exams.
Fact: Schools want their student body to get great grades so they look like great schools.
Idea: All students drug FREE including ADD/ADDH Drugs, with 75 or less average would be scheduled with art, music, gym, mind stimulating curriculum and less mind concentrating classes prior to lunch. Lunch would include foods that directly target brain productivity, such as vegetables, greens and omega 3. And of course limiting the intake of additives and preservatives. After lunch they should be awake for the Math, Science, Social and English.
Prediction: 10 to 20% higher grades for all the sleep-walking students, which would make the school really look good.
Fact: Young teenagers walk upright and look as though they are awake in the early hours of the day, when in fact they are still mentally sleeping. Several studies have shown that student get less sleep on school nights due to stress and worries related to school pressures and exams.
Fact: Schools want their student body to get great grades so they look like great schools.
Idea: All students drug FREE including ADD/ADDH Drugs, with 75 or less average would be scheduled with art, music, gym, mind stimulating curriculum and less mind concentrating classes prior to lunch. Lunch would include foods that directly target brain productivity, such as vegetables, greens and omega 3. And of course limiting the intake of additives and preservatives. After lunch they should be awake for the Math, Science, Social and English.
Prediction: 10 to 20% higher grades for all the sleep-walking students, which would make the school really look good.
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